1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320

1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320


produced, red, tan interior, CCCA San Diego, California, 2004 Spring Grand Classic
first place in the Primary Division, now in the Senior Division for future National
Judging meets.

Price   $480,000   CID  1320


Financing and Leasing Available  

Contact Bob Williams at 864-246-0318. E/mail: Bob@CadillacCreamPuffs.com

1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Ext (2).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Int (1).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Int (2).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Int (3).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Eng (1).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Doc (1).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Cover.jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Ext (1).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Ext (2).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Int (1).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Int (2).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Int (3).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Eng (1).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Doc (1).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Cover.jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Ext (1).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Ext (2).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Int (1).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Int (2).jpg
1930 Cadillac All Weather Phaeton C1320-Int (3).jpg

1930 Cadillac V16 Sport Phaeton C1319

1930 Cadillac V16 Sport Phaeton C1319


CADILLAC: 1930 CADILLAC ALL SPORT PHAETON V16 MODEL 4260, 67 produced, teal green,
roadster grey, approved CCCA 100 point car.

Price   $830,000   CID  1319
Financing and Leasing Available  

Contact Bob Williams at 864-246-0318. E/mail: Bob@CadillacCreamPuffs.com

1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Ext (3).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Eng (1).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Eng (2).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Doc (1).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Doc (2).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Doc (3).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Cover.jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Ext (1).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Ext (2).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Ext (3).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Eng (1).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Eng (2).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Doc (1).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Doc (2).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Doc (3).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Cover.jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Ext (1).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Ext (2).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Ext (3).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Eng (1).jpg
1930 V-16 Sport Phaeton C1319-Eng (2).jpg

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